Friday, August 3, 2012

Fun Facts Friday

A Short, Sweet & Chubby Little Fact...
Although May 2011 has passed the following baby fact is true each & every May. If someone asked which month of the year the heaviest babies are born you might answer January or February after all the holiday eating, but truth be told the lovely month of May produces the chubbiest babies. On average babies born in the month of May weigh over a 1/2 pound more than babies born in any other month. The jury is still out on why this is so but I thought it was a very interesting fun fact worth sharing.


  1. Clearly it's due to all the sitting and eating done during tax season since I tend to be heaviest in May too! :)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend Annie!

    1. too August isn't the word "TAX" a four letter word! LOL

      hope you're enjoying your weekend too ♥ Sharla!


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