Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday Chuckle

This winter here in Michigan the Snowmen didn't stand a chance...


  1. Poor babies! So sad! But so happy at the same time to have gorgeous weather in Jan/Feb, right?

  2. Darn right Isa...i'm loving it!!! and yeah poor guys but ya know snowmen don't really die they just become drips instead of flakes! LOL

  3. How funny on the drips instead of flakes! Hope the funeral goes fast so they aren't all in the same bucket!

  4. You're not kidding Sharla....don't think that bucket would work!!! i'd love it if they would park themselves in my garden beds for melting. come Spring i know my yard is going to be missing the moisture from the "NO" snow winter - even if i'm not missing it at all!!!


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