Monday, May 9, 2011

More than Monday

Yesterday I traveled to a Michigam city called Grand Rapids with my husband. While this AMAZING 24 foot Leonardo da Vinci bronze sculpture is often a main attraction and well worth the 2.5 hour drive, something even more wonderful made this journey extra special.

We made the trip to meet a very dear woman that I have grown to love like family. Although she was
here in Michigan for a business packed weekend she took time to spend the day enjoying time together!
This woman and her sister are truly the kind of people anyone would be fortunate just to know and I feel
so blessed to call them my dear, dear friends! They both inspire me!!! Mia Cara ♥ Angelo Sorreli!

Abbiamo perso te ♥ Annina ♥

Inspiration comes in different ways on different days for all of us...

...What inspires you ?


  1. That is an amazing statue! Glad you had a nice visit :)

    What inspires me: Doing something totally different from my day to day activity-

  2. thanks Angela - we did have a great time it was a wonderful day!

  3. That's quite a statue! I'm glad you had such a wonderful day visiting with your friends!


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